The subject of our conversation turns out to be the truth and untruth of photography – we do not really know what photography is, but we do know what it most certainly is not. Surprisingly, this knowledge must be sufficient for us. As a result, as people working with the medium of photography, we do have to move into unnamed, unfamiliar areas.​​​​​​​
"I keep repeating the same thing over and over again. Not to prove anything and not to discover. I repeat because I expect that what I sense, or rather what I expect to exist, may reveal itself".

- Technologia nie znosi ambicji vol. 2, Galeria Pomost, Lublin 2024 (duo show)
-The sphere is an image, Galeria Pomost, Lublin 2023 (solo show)
- Technologia nie znosi ambicji, Galeria FOTO-GEN, Wrocław 2022 (duo show)
- Wyjście z czasu, Galeria'83, Kalisz 2021 (group show)
- Aksjomaty, Galeria WBPiCAK, Poznań 2021 (solo show)
- Digital Melancholia, Stara Papiernia, Poznań 2020 (group show)
- (Un)natural bodies II, Chiang Mai Photo Festival, Chiang Mai 2020 (group show) 
(Un)natural bodies, Riga Photography Biennial, Riga 2019 (group show)  
- Rediscovered, Incheon Asia Maritime Media Festival in South Korea, Incheon 2018 (group show)  
- Booki. Studying Photobooks. Galeria pf, Poznań 2021 (Nie wyrzucać jedzenia przez okna i balkony)
-The Comet Is Coming, Galeria pf, Poznań 2021 (Nie wyrzucać jedzenia przez okna i balkony, group show)
- 2nd Kyiv International Festival of Photo Books 2019 (Nie wyrzucać jedzenia przez okna i balkony)                                                           
- Athens Photo Festival 2019 (Nie wyrzucać jedzenia przez okna i balkony) 
- Fotografia jako artefakt,, 2021
- Fotografia jako artefakt,, 2021 

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